Lawrence Lee
Welcome, I'm a frontend engineer with a big heart. Check out what I'm about.
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Lawrence Lee
Education: UCLA 2016-2020
B.S. Computer Science
Experience: Taboola 2020 - now
Frontend Engineer
  • Languages
  • Frameworks
  • Software
  • Javascript
  • Java
  • C++
  • Python
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • MySql
  • React
  • Jest / React Testing Library
  • Redux
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Flask
  • Git
  • Jira
  • IntelliJ
Here's some of the projects I've worked on.

Bias Rankings

A web application I built for Kpop fans to vote for their favorite idols and also view statistics and rankings based on the data collected. The application was written with Python Flask and PostgreSQL for its database. I also used Chart.js on the front-end to display group statistics.

OPS Capstone

In addition to studying Computer Science, for the last year I've been a student of the UCLA IEEE Ops program working on basic Electrical Engineering skills like programming microcontrollers and soldering.

In our capstone project, I worked with my partner to create a simple micro-mouse vehicle much like the one depicted, which used IR sensors to autonomously navigate through a single-path maze, moving in a straight path using a PID algorithm. I was primarily in charge of the software, and used C and the Arduino IDE to program an Arduino Nano on our micro-mouse.

I made this website during my second year at UCLA, here's a section of the classes I took.
CS 35L -
Software Construction Labratory (In Progress)
Fundamentals of commonly used software tools and environments, particularly open-source tools to be used in upper division computer science courses.
CS 33 -
Introduction to Computer Organization
Introductory course on computer architecture, assembly language, and operating systems fundamentals. Number systems, machine language, and assembly language. Procedure calls, stacks, interrupts, and traps. Assemblers, linkers, and loaders.
CS 32 -
Introduction to Computer Science II

Object-oriented software development. Abstract data type definition and use. Data structures: stacks, queues, lists. Algorithm analysis. Trees, graphs, and associated algorithms. Searching and sorting.

Notable Projects

Bruin Nav

I developed a navigation system which shows users the closest route between two locations in the UCLA/Westwood area. Built using Geo-coordinate data from the Open Street Map project database and implemented with binary search trees and the A* algorithm. The project was written with C++.


I worked on a programming competition platform in the form of the game "Bugs!" which takes players' code in a provided "Bugs!" language and uses it to control the behaviour of a colony of ants in an arena for survival. The game is filled with competing pheromone-emitting ants, vicious growing grasshoppers, obstacles and traps, and food for the ants to collect.

Primary tasks included implementing game elements with object-oriented programming and polymorphism, simulating interactions between objects, and interpreting commands from the "Bugs!" language to simulate ant behaviour in the game environment. The project was written with C++.

CS 31 -
Introduction to Computer Science I
Generic programming with procedural and data abstraction, recursion, pointers, and an introduction to object-oriented programming. Projects in C++.
Thank you for playing
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